You are here: Review Demo 1B - Notes

Notes for Review Demo 1-B

These are notes to log what the review demo covers. Refer to specific TOC for contents.


Review Demo 1-B   02-25-2016

PDF, Online and Word Docs

links on Review Demo Home Page

  • Revisions to the Reference Manual table field name notes per phone mtg of 02-23-2016
  • Revisions to glossary terms, they should match the table field names exactly
  • Fixes to glossary term display in online glossary, in online popups and in the PDF glossary. Did not change in the PDF footnotes to save room on the page.

Review Request


Please provide comments.

  • review table descriptions -- the content above the table listing
  • review table field name notes
  • review glossary term display; the line breaks should be working
  • log any additional terms to include in the new 'global' glossary
  • help identify any 'system-level' etc defaults as well as how the default works -- ie "inserted in the record if field is blank when the order is saved" ... OR "Default used when the user-level value is not defined." etc.
  • items marked in yellow are particular questions or concerns
  • items marked in purple are things for me to do later